Monday, October 15, 2012


When I started this blog, I said sometimes I would keep it short & sweet and write whatever I was thinking about, and today is one of those days. I hope everyone had a good weekend. The weather here in the Chicago area has been very Fall-like and wet, windy and gloomy. The sun is trying to make an appearance today, which would help my spirits if it would actually put in an appearance. As I write, the clouds seem to be moving out - yeah!

I can't believe October is already half gone. The weather is changing, birds have begun to migrate to warmer climates. I wish I could go with them! I used to enjoy winter, as I was an avid skier and even would run in cold weather as well. I always enjoyed the 4 seasons. Since being diagnosed with IC - not so much. Cold weather bothers me more than it used to, I hate extreme heat too. So there is a very narrow window of weather that I enjoy anymore. Is anyone else like this? 

I'm spending today curled up with my comfy blanket and taking it easy. Glad to have my doctors appointments tomorrow. I can vent to my therapist before I go see my IC doctor; always a good thing!

The best thing about Fall is the beautiful colors of the season, and we have so many in the development where I live.This is a picture my Mom took of some of the trees in my development by our lake; really pretty. I really love the beauty of nature and that does make me happy! I'm looking for the things I always loved about the changing seasons instead of whining about Winter being right around the corner. Soon, these beautiful trees will be bare and the lake will be frozen with children skating on it instead of swimming in it! I always marvel at that - in the summer when it's so hot and everyone is swimming in the lake, it's hard to picture it frozen and when the kids are skating on it, it's hard to picture it on a hot summer day full of families enjoying the cool water! Nature is amazing!

I hope everyone has a good day and is enjoying the beauty of the season wherever you live!

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