Sunday, October 7, 2012


Today I am taking it easy and want to encourage others to give themselves permission to do the same. I know many of you have families that need to be taken care of, but when dealing with IC, we have to take care of ourselves too. You should never feel guilty about that. I’m not going to write a long blog today and take Sunday to re-charge my brain, rest my body and treat myself to a warm blanket and some favorite tv shows on my DVR. We all need to do things like this for ourselves and not feel guilty or that you are a bad wife/mother, etc. In fact, get your family to buy in to letting you have one day that is “your day” and you don’t worry about cleaning, laundry or fixing dinner; pick a day that works for all of you. Do whatever it is that you need to do for yourself; take a nap, watch tv, read a good book, listen to music, soak in a tub (if you can), curl up with your heating pad; whatever helps you de-stress and make you feel better. So, here’s to giving ourselves permission to take care of ourselves; I hope everyone has a restful, peaceful and happy day!

I find this inspirational so I wanted to share it with everyone. This song by Rob Thomas was written for his wife Marisol Maldonado Thomas who suffers from a rare autoimmune disease similar to lupus. The beautiful Puerto Rican model doesn't seem like the poster child for autoimmune disease, but with her husband's words, anyone suffering from one of the autoimmune disease recognizes her pain.

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