Saturday, July 27, 2013


It's a nice cool morning, bit overcast, today but for me great walking weather. I decided that I would try a walk. My Mom asked if she could come along with me and of course I said yes. Mom is 10 weeks post-op from knee replacement surgery and doing great; she was discharged from physical therapy yesterday with instructions for at home exercises, one being to walk some. She was worried she was slowing me down, but I really didn't care as I am feeling very tired and have very little energy today, so off we went.

It was nice to have my Mom's company and we enjoyed our little walk together. I always have to remind myself I can't do what I used to and that really, for me, the point is to just "keep moving" so my body doesn't just turn into one big atrophy lump! Today was what I call an "easy" day. When I was a runner, training for races, you were always supposed to follow the training rule of "hard/easy"; i.e. a hard (challenging, longer) run one day, and then a shorter, easier run the next. I still follow that rule even with my little walks these days. It's always a good way to approach any form of exercise to give your body recovery time. 

Anyway, I got a little walk in today. I won't win any prizes for speed or distance, but: "Something is Always Better Than Nothing!"

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