Friday, May 31, 2013


It's rerun season on TV, so I'm going to follow suit and repeat a previous Blog post because I think it's SO important! 

We are always talking about the need to raise awareness about IC. Well, yesterday and today, I have spent several hours writing emails, letters, Tweets, posting on FB pages and more with as many high profile, television doctors, news programs, health magazines and news organizations asking that they cover IC!

Sometimes, you can post on a FB page, other times, you have to submit an email letter suggesting a topic you'd like to see covered. I spent the past two days on Twitter sending out Tweets about raising IC Awareness and using the hashtag #ICAwareness from the ICA's Twitter page.

This is something everyone of us with IC CAN do and I want to encourage everyone out there to not just talk about raising awareness, but to actually DO something about it! Here's a link to my Twitter page where you can check out who I am following. Join Twitter and start Tweeting. Use their Twitter pages to find their websites, Facebook pages etc. Then write or post to them there as well. 

Let's stop TALKING about raising awareness and let's all get involved. Social media is the way to get the message out for those of us as individuals trying to impact these people. If enough of us contact them, something might actually happen. One person like me, doing this alone, likely won't amount to much. But that won't stop me from pestering them with Tweets, emails and Facebook posts!

So, come on. Start Tweeting, emailing and Facebooking about IC! 

Thursday, May 30, 2013


Below is the map of my walk today. I have posted before about working on going for more walks even though I can't do what I used to but it has proven to be an ongoing challenge and I have not been as successful as I would have liked over the last few weeks.

My Mom is going through grueling and often painful physical therapy sessions following her recent knee replacement. After I got back from my walk today, I told her that I felt as though going for a walk is, for me, a lot like physical therapy is for her. It's hard, often painful, and I don't want to do it!

This can be hard! We all know this. It's easy to give in and not get out there and do my walk. It's as much a mental battle as it is a physical one. I know I allow myself to give in more than I should. I don't feel good today, it's too hot, it's too cold, it's too windy, I had a bad night, I'm just too tired. If there's an excuse, I've used it. Problem is, they are all also true. It is very hard for me, and I am sure many of you as well, to go for a walk and when I am tired from a bad night, pushing myself to do it is a real challenge. Weather impacts my ability to walk as well. Too cold and my pain goes up. Too windy and it's like trying to walk up a hill the entire time. So, while these "excuses" seem lame, even to me, they are also legitimate issues that impact my desire to get up and go.

This is the ongoing challenge each and every day. Today I did it. I was able to be positive, push through it. It was not easy. My bladder was screaming at me the whole way. I had catheterized myself right before going out, but it still felt like I had to go. When I got home, I catheterized myself again and there was just the tiniest amount of urine in my bladder, so I didn't REALLY have to go; but the pain was there the whole time. I am glad I got out early as our weather is deteriorating and it's extremely windy now and that's likely what is going to bring the rain that is forecast for today. 

I guess it's going to be a work in progress like much of the challenges all IC patients face. But I am not throwing in the towel. I plan to keep plugging away. I need to work on more positive self-talk and remember why I should try. But try I will.

Yes, this can be hard! But it's worth the effort. Today I did it. That's a good thing!


Create Maps or search from 80 million at MapMyWalk

Wednesday, May 29, 2013


If you've been following my Blog, you know that chronic UTI's on top of my IC have been a huge struggle for me for 4 years. Nothing we tried was getting them under control. I was really struggling with the situation and feeling at the end of my rope. Finally, in February of this year, my doctor put together a plan that he thought had a good chance of stopping this cycle of UTI's.

Well, my doctor was right! I am happy to say it has been 125 days since my last infection! Yes, I know how many days because I marked the calendar when I started this treatment plan; I wanted to know either way, how many days were either successful or not.  So 125 Days checked off on the calendar! This is cause for much gratitude and happiness! This is a HUGE milestone and no matter what happens down the road, breaking this 4 year cycle is a major accomplishment and I am grateful!

It's a complex problem and my treatment plan isn't a simple one either. It's a multi-modality approach but so far it is working. I will see the doctor again at the end of June and I hope to make it to that appointment having had no further infections. Fingers crossed, sticking to my treatment plan and doing all I can to stay on track.

I am so grateful for this break from all those UTI's. I'm not entirely sure I'll ever feel the same again. It was challenging enough adjusting to having IC and learning to live with that and going on Disability because of it. When this UTI problem arose, it took an even greater toll on my body. I am feeling more exhausted than ever and struggle with having enough energy to do the simple things I want to do. But every day I check off one more day on the calendar that I am infection free is a good day!

I will take each one of those days with gratitude and be happy about it. I am working on not worrying about the future and if I will relapse. I have learned this not anything I can control and may have to learn to deal with it long term. 

So, one day at a time. Each day that passes and I have no infection is another check mark on the calendar of success! I am checking off the days and it is a good thing! I have hope; there is always hope!

Sunday, May 26, 2013


Normally I post an Inspirational Quote on Sundays, but today I want to write about how inspired I am by my Mom!

As I posted recently, she had knee replacement surgery a week ago Friday. I'm sure many of you have family or know people who have had knee or hip replacement surgery. It's NOT an easy surgery; very painful and rehab is extremely painful and difficult.

My Mom will be 83 in August and she is such a trouper! First, she is already an inspiration to anyone who meets her. She is in extremely excellent physical condition, especially for someone her age! She does her Pilates, Yoga, works out with weights and is an avid cyclist. This put her in very good condition to have to undergo a surgery like this, but even so, it's not easy. 

She has been home from the hospital since this past Monday and they waste no time in sending a Physical Therapist to your home to get you cracking on your p.t.! She even got her leg bent past 100 degrees yesterday! In less than a week - that's just amazing. I could hear her cry out a few times in pain, but she pushed through and even did her on own p.t. later in the day, even though she was sore.

This is no small feat, again, especially for an 83 year old. But she is determined and will push through and I have no doubt she will get 100% mobility and range of motion back. She has had her challenges this past week, no doubt. But she doesn't let them keep her down. She always comes back later determined to get past whatever challenge she faced and move ahead toward getting better.

It would be SO easy for someone her age to just say, this is too hard. I can't handle this rehab or all this p.t. So easy to just SETTLE for less than 100%. But not my Mom. She is determined and I have no doubt she will be back on her bicycle while the weather is still acceptable! 

I look at what she is going through and I realize it is temporary; she will recover. So there is a difference in our situations. But her fight and determination to do all she can is an inspiration to me. If she can fight that hard, never give up at 83 years old, well then, I can keep fighting too. It may be a different kind of fighting and determination, but fighting to cope, stay positive and never give up are something I think we can all relate to.

Here's to my Mom - as I like to call her "my sainted Mother"! A true inspiration!

Friday, May 24, 2013


The other day my wonderful Niece was driving me to my weekly doctor appointments and while she knows the basics of IC, she wanted to know more and I was happy to explain it to her. She is 21 now (I cannot believe that!) and is studying film in college. She has her own health struggles and so it is a topic of great interest to her. 

She told me during our drive home that she would like to do a documentary on IC & me with a focus on it's impact on family. I was blown away. She said she'd already gone so far as to discuss this with one of her professors who asked some questions, then encouraged her to go for it! She really wants to do this and said if she can and it turns out, she'd see if the ICA was interested in it. 

I don't know if this will happen or not. But the simple fact that she has given it this much thought, wants to use her talents to help raise awareness and actually got input from a professor just blows me away! But that's the kind of young woman she is!

I told her I thought it was a great idea and I'm in whenever she finds time to devote to it. She has an extremely busy schedule, so I don't know if or when this will happen. I just felt so touched and proud of her. Not all 21 year old kids would want to use their free time on a project like this instead of hanging out with friends and such. She is truly a special young lady.

This shouldn't surprise me. My entire family from my parents, to my brothers and their wives to my nephews have always wanted to support me in any way they can. They are a source of support and encouragement. They all help me just figure things out and problem solve when I have a problem. I am blessed.

I hope she will work on this and that we can turn it into something wonderful to help raise IC Awareness! This could be something that could benefit everyone in the IC community. If, as they say in the movie biz, the projects gets the "green light", I'll keep everyone informed. But any way you look at it, I am just happy she wants to do this.

It doesn't take this type of ambitious project to help raise awareness. We can all do it. I've been busy using Twitter all week and again I'll ask everyone to do the same. Just go to my Twitter page, see who I follow. Feel free to even copy my Tweets and start Tweeting about IC. Follow the ICA's Twitter page too! 

My Niece, the budding filmmaker has a great idea! If she can do this, so can we!

My Niece, the budding filmmaker!

My Twitter Page:

Wednesday, May 22, 2013


I was at my appointment with my psychologist yesterday. Lately the topic of our conversations has centered on what has been one of my most challenging issues. Since going on Disability, the solitude of being home (yes I live with my parents and that's great, but it's not the same) and not being able to get out and socialize like I used to. Most people would be surprised to learn that going on Disability and not working is not FUN and it's not retirement. It's boring, lonely and often depressing.

This is why I have been focusing on this issue in therapy lately. I do not want to sink into depression because of my situation. So we talk about ways to be engaged with friends and stay connected. Recently, one of my best friends and I decided that instead of just emailing or calling on the phone, that we would have regular Skype appointments. We Skyped yesterday and it's so much fun! I told her, and she agreed, that it feels so much more like we're actually visiting. She's been able to show me things using the computer during our Skype conversation that I haven't been able to see since I can't visit her anymore. It was so much fun and I am in such a good mood and happy when we finish, that my mood stays positive for longer.

Of course, working on my Blog is another thing I do to try to engage with others and share with other IC patients, not just my personal friends. Working on my Blog gives me a challenge, it's rewarding when I hear from others that they got something out of it, so this too is good for staying positive, using my brain and feeling like I have something to do.

I do have a friend who lives nearby and we work on trying to visit on a monthly basis, if I'm up to it. If possible, we'll meet for lunch. Restaurants always have bathrooms, so that helps! Just seeing her and having a lunch out every so often works wonders for my mood as well. I can't do it as often as I would like, but when we can't get together we do use Facebook and phone calls to stay in touch.

I know this is something everyone with IC and on Disability struggles with. It is an ongoing struggle for me. But in talking about it with my therapist, we talk about coping techniques, options for things to do to keep me occupied, engaged and challenged.

It's not always easy, but looking for the things we CAN do and not focusing all our energy on what we can't do, is the place to start. It's what I'm working on. I also find that telling those friends that are going out of their way to stick by me how much that means to me. They need to know that their support, encouragement and friendship are valuable to me and actually help me every day deal with the challenges of my daily life with IC!

Thank you to everyone who supports me. Each of you is a valued friend and I am grateful for the never ending love and support from family, friends and members of the IC Community. This Blog is dedicated to all of you every day! We are not alone!

"You Are Not Alone"
The Eagles

Friday, May 17, 2013


Today my Mom is having knee replacement surgery and as I write this we are at the hospital just having given her our love, hugs and a kiss to send her on her way to surgery! She is in the best surgical hands possible, but as anyone who has ever waited for someone having surgery knows, it is always an anxious time waiting until you can see them safely returned from the O.R. with nothing but good news from the doctor.

I didn't think I would be able to come and be part of her support team (oldest Brother took the day off from work to drive her and my Dad and it worked out at the last minute that I could come along). It was important to me to be here for her; just to have her know I was here too because she sat alone waiting for me SO many times while I've been in surgery. It was important to me that I do this for her, even though she worried it would be too much for me. I told her I didn't care if it was hard for me; some things are just worth it!

So, when I realized I was going to come along, I had a great idea - why not call my IC doctor's office and see if there was a nurse available to give me an instillation when we all got down to the hospital. His office is at the same hospital where Mom is having surgery. SO why not "kill two birds with one stone" and see if I could get in and get an instillation. Well, they were so nice and got me in for an instillation at 2:30 which was perfect timing as Mom's surgery was scheduled for 4PM. I was able to help my brother and Dad navigate the hospital a bit, they took Mom to pre-op and we couldn't go back until she was all prepped, so while that was being done, I walked over to my doctor's office, got my instillation and got back with plenty of time to spare to see Mom before they wheeled her off to the O.R. 

Smartest thing I've done. It is making me more comfortable as we sit and wait. So I feel good about finding a way to be here, make it easier for me to do so and be part of my Mom's "support team"!

Every once in awhile, I get a good idea. I was already wishing I could have instillation today anyway. I just had one on Monday, but today was feeling like I could use another. So this worked out well. 

We have some time to wait still until Mom is done with surgery. We are anxious but know she is in excellent hands. Just want to see her out and in recovery. Then my "sainted mother" will totally ROCK physical therapy!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013


I'm going to re-post a little video I did last year when I first started my Blog for those that might not have seen it. I titled it "Finding Inspiration". I hope that's what it does!


Create Maps or search from 80 million at MapMyWalk

Tuesday, May 14, 2013


A few years after I was diagnosed with IC, I came to the shocking realization that I had gained A LOT of weight and something needed to be done about it! Now, I have struggled with my weight my entire life and it seems by now you'd think I'd be able to manage it. I eat healthier than I ever have but I still have my weaknesses of course. When I was healthy, I was a runner and skier and active but still struggled to keep the weight off. As with many people who struggle with their weight, I have lost and gained the same pounds so many time, it's ridiculous!

I was always picked on in Junior High & High School and told I was "fat". I was bullied about it and boys would tell me I was fat and ugly and as a result it made the whole issue even more challenging. I became very insecure and the never ending battle to be thin began.

One good thing to come out of having IC is that I started working with a psychologist over the many emotional issues that living with a chronic illness has meant in my life. But we talk about many issues. Since then, I've had a huge "Ah Ha!" moment. In looking back at pictures of myself in those younger days when I believed all those bullies who told me I was fat, I realized that, I believe, I wasn't fat at all! Was I as skinny as some of my high school friends? NO. But I was not FAT! That said, I was made to feel I was and there came a point about 12 years ago where I made it a reality and did get fat! 

After my first InterStim surgery, I got motivated and, slowly, doing what I know how to do all on my own, I spent the next 12 months losing 50 pounds! I didn't set unrealistic goals for myself. I'm middle aged and post-menopausal now, so I knew getting even thinner was unrealistic. Would I like to still weigh 20 pounds less? You bet! But it's not me; my body doesn't cooperate and it isn't worth the struggle to get to and maintain this skinny weight. So I asked my doctors and they all felt what I had achieved was more than satisfactory and I felt good about how I looked. I felt I had finally learned how to do it all on my own (no Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig or fad diets); I just knew what to eat. I still do.

I've kept the weight off all these years through dedication and hard work. That is until IC became such a challenge that I ended up on Disability. It was as though the moment I stopped working, my body decided to betray me in yet another way as well, which was to rebel and just start adding pounds back on almost immediately. Before I knew it, I had gained 15 pounds and I was as mad as all get out!

I spent 9 months working so hard to lose those 15 pounds but by last August I had done it! I was back at my "fighting" weight and was so pleased that I had accomplished this through a VERY DIFFICULT stretch with my IC. I had done it. 

Well, my IC got even worse and as seems to be my lot in life, once again, as my IC was giving me fits, so was my weight! I am back up about 10 pounds and once again have to struggle and battle to get these pounds off. It takes so much longer than it ever did and it was NEVER easy. My metabolism is slow, even when I was training in my healthy days to run Half Marathons and a Marathon. Didn't matter; it never helped a lot with my weight loss efforts. But I did it anyway knowing it couldn't hurt and that it was good for me and, what the heck, I was proud of my running accomplishments.

And now, with my IC it's even harder to exercise, as most of us understand. But today, once again, I am going to TRY to re-dedicate myself to getting those nasty 10 pounds off. I went for my little walk today (see post below for Map & Walk Info), as it is a beautiful day and I wanted to take advantage of that! It certainly isn't a hard workout; I just can't push myself like I used to. I did it a few weeks ago and I was laid up for days after. I've learned my lesson. The battles never seem to end. If it isn't my IC, it's my fatigue or weight issues. It's always something! 

So, I am doing what I can do and will focus on my diet and keep up the good fight! One day at a time. Here we go again! 

The Good Old Days
Me after finishing the Chicago Marathon
October 1989

Create Maps or search from 80 million at MapMyWalk

Monday, May 13, 2013


I didn't post my usual Sunday Inspirational Quote for the Day yesterday because I wanted to write about Mother's Day. So today I am posting a quote I found that I really like and hope you do as well!

Sunday, May 12, 2013


Normally on Sundays I don't write but try to use it as an opportunity to simply post something of inspiration. But this being Mother's Day I felt I needed to stop and take a moment to dedicate today's post to my "sainted Mother"!

If you've read the little profile at the top right of this Blog, you'll notice I've dedicated this Blog to my parents, but today we'll focus on Mom. Since getting IC, my mother has been medical consultant (retired R.N. so I'm lucky!), limo driver, "landlord" since I moved home, Head Chef, the voice of reason and assurance and love and support, my patient advocate and hand holder through 13 surgeries and so much more that it would take pages to describe.

Needless to say, without my Mom, I don't know how I would have managed these past 12 years without her! She is my rock and I am so grateful for all she does for me and our entire family!

So, today, we are celebrating my Mom! The family is coming for dinner and someone else will do the cooking, cleaning and she will get to enjoy having her family with her, which I know is the only present she really wants.

I am blessed; my family is blessed. I hope everyone is blessed with such a wonderful and loving Mother as I am!

Thanks Mom! You totally rock!

  (My Mother's Nursing School Graduation Photo)                                                                    (My Mom and I All Decked Out!)     

Saturday, May 11, 2013


It's no fun to have IC even though it is often viewed as a chronic, controllable disease. But having an illness like IC usually means we are "wedded" to the health system forever.

I posted a cartoon on my Facebook page the other day with the caption "Maybe I should just move here", meaning my doctor's office. I know I feel as though I spend more time at the doctor's office than I do at home sometimes and I could make that drive to the doctor blindfolded, I swear. I can give people directions around the hospital, medical building and the entire complex I know my way around so well! It seems we are either going to the doctor, picking up prescriptions, making appointments, calling for help or trying to unravel the mystery of our health insurance coverage. It seems to be a never ending cycle from which we can't escape. It consumes our time, energy and attention so much that it often becomes overwhelming.

How many of us have had to battle an insurance company over a denied claim, fight to find a good doctor, figure out what medications work or don't work to help our symptoms? I know it seems like every waking moment is spent focusing on our IC and in some way dealing with our health care system to the point of frustration. 

Even if we have a fantastic doctor, treatments that work for us and insurance we're happy with, it still feels as though we are consumed with nothing but our illness and how to manage it via the health care system one way or another.

But I believe that the best way to deal with this is to become as educated as possible. KNOW what your insurance covers BEFORE you pick up a prescription for example. Just last week I spent time on the phone with the pharmacy checking coverage on a new prescription and understanding how much it would cost and if there were cheaper options before I just went ahead and filled the prescription. I always check my prescription drug formulary every year to learn what changes, if any, have been made so I know what to expect. I go through it thoroughly and look up all the medications I take to find out if they are still covered, and what Tier they are in. Just because a doctor prescribes one medication, doesn't mean that there isn't a less expensive alternative sometimes. It's worth investigating before you fill a prescription. Don't be afraid to ask about this!

Before surgery, I always make sure I KNOW what to expect from the insurance company; I don't like surprises - who does! I also make sure to review all my questions with my doctor and make sure I am clear on what we are doing, what to expect and I make sure everyone I deal with in the hospital understands MY needs! I never take a pill or do anything without asking what it is or why they are doing it! The same is true when it comes to reading everything you can find on IC and associated conditions. We may have to work with the health care system for years to come, but being educated, knowledgeable and learning to be your own best advocate helps us feel more in control of our health care.

Don't let the health care system control you. Learn to control as much as you can relative to your medical situation. You have the right to know what your benefits are, what a doctor wants to do to treat you, ask questions and never agree to anything you don't understand.

We may have to work within the health care system for the rest of our lives, but we don't have to let it run our lives! 

Catherine is beginning to think she spends more time
at the doctor's office than at home!

Friday, May 10, 2013


We are always talking about the need to raise awareness about IC. Well, yesterday and today, I have spent several hours writing emails, letters, Tweets, posting on FB pages and more with as many high profile, television doctors, news programs, health magazines and news organizations asking that they cover IC!

Sometimes, you can post on a FB page, other times, you have to submit an email letter suggesting a topic you'd like to see covered. I spent the past two days on Twitter sending out Tweets about raising IC Awareness and using the hashtag #ICAwareness from the ICA's Twitter page.

This is something everyone of us with IC CAN do and I want to encourage everyone out there to not just talk about raising awareness, but to actually DO something about it! Here's a link to my Twitter page where you can check out who I am following. Join Twitter and start Tweeting. Use their Twitter pages to find their websites, Facebook pages etc. Then write or post to them there as well. 

Let's stop TALKING about raising awareness and let's all get involved. Social media is the way to get the message out for those of us as individuals trying to impact these people. If enough of us contact them, something might actually happen. One person like me, doing this alone, likely won't amount to much. But that won't stop me from pestering them with Tweets, emails and Facebook posts!

So, come on. Start Tweeting, emailing and Facebooking about IC! 

Thursday, May 9, 2013


I've been having fits with Blogger not cooperating with YouTube, so my video won't post the way it's supposed to. To view this video, click on the following link. By the way, don't I look "glamorous"! (LOL!)

Beautiful Serviceberry Tree!

This is actually from yesterday, as I've been working that long on trying to figure out why my video won't post as it used to. Today was not a nice day; rainy & cool. So I didn't get out today. 

My bladder has been bothering me today so it's just as well that I took the day off. 

I'm going to continue to work at my walking, as it gives me a great deal of pleasure though it is challenging. I thought posting about it, my efforts, challenges and successes might be helpful to others trying to do the same. I hope so! 

Here's to all the IC walkers, runners and anyone of us trying to do ANYTHING physical no matter how big or small!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013


It's just one of those things we don't always understand, but today I am just wiped out. I did have to go to the doctor's office for a nurse appointment for my weekly instillation. So, of course, I had to get up, take a shower, wash and dry my hair, get dressed, eat breakfast (heck I was ready for a nap just after that!). Then one of the volunteers in my community picked me up and drove me down to my appointment. It went smoothly and I got my cocktail - aahhh! Turn around, head home. By then it was lunch time, so I fixed that and went and crashed in my cozy chair. 

I had a Skype call with one of my best gal pals which was so great and fun! We decided we need to do this more often; it's much better than a phone call. After that I took a nap. But that didn't help much; I still feel like I could sleep but at this point in the evening, gotta stay awake so I'll sleep when it's bed time.

I know it doesn't take much to wear me (us!) out and some days are just like this! My allergies are bothering me a lot these day, but I can't take anything for them so that's making me miserable. My wonderful mother had some great eye drops she used on me the other day. My eyes were SO itchy I had rubbed them until I thought I would literally scratch my own eyes out. The drops helped. But I think the allergies just add to my body's weakened state. So not loving allergy season.

It's OK, I'm lucky I could come home and just crash. And the best news today is that I am still infection free; I've hit the 90 day mark and that is a huge milestone for me! YAY! That's the longest stretch I've gone infection free in almost 4 years! So that's the positive take-away today, even though I'm wiped out.  I'm glad to have such good news today. 

There are worse things than being exhausted, so I guess I'll take it. It was a beautiful day today and I was hoping for a walk but as I said in a previous post, I am listening to my body and opted out for today. We'll take it one day at a time and if I can walk, I will. 

My Keiko Kitty 
Demonstrating Exactly How I Feel!

Monday, May 6, 2013


I was inspired by this video and hope you will be as well. Whenever I am struggling with my IC and all its related issues, things like this make me stop and think that it could always be worse. I need to re-think my feelings sometimes. This is not to say we aren't entitled to have those feelings but if I'm feeling "stuck" that's when things like this can be helpful to me. I want to be able to recognize whatever it is I'm feeling, acknowledge it and accept it, but move on. Realizing others have serious problems that I grateful I do not have often helps put things in perspective for me. It's just a technique to try to help get through the rough patches we all have. 


Saturday, May 4, 2013

Thursday, May 2, 2013


How often have we all found ourselves so desperate to go to the bathroom, we stop somewhere and this is what we find! When I was still working, I had to commute for 2 hours on a train and the restrooms were SO gross that often the Conductors would have to lock them shut! I wrote the train company and complained, for all the good it did. 

Now, I carry so much stuff in my purse to handle situations like this. I've got portable toilet seat covers, wet wipes, hand gel - you name it! I'm ready for the nastiest restroom there is - well, most of the time!

There are some great Apps available now to help you find restrooms, some even rate them by cleanliness so check them out. They can come in handy if you are out and about. There are also some excellent travel potties that are made just for women with urinary issues and they can come in handy as well.

I'll post a link to the ICA's website page on Public Restrooms and Travel Tips. there's some great information there and useful links.

May we never find ourselves stuck in a restroom like this ever again!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013


For a change, today I am playing the role of "Support Team" for my wonderful mother! She is always  driving me to all my many doctor appointments and surgeries and being support for me through all my IC travails. Well, today it's my turn to pay it back a little.

Mom needs to have knee replacement surgery on May 14th so today she has a series of pre-surgical appointments. She was going to come down and do this all by herself, but after all she has done for me, that just didn't seem right. So I told her I would keep her company and then after her appointments we would go out to lunch. She thought that was a good idea.

I was just talking to my therapist the other day about the struggle that being on Disability and not able to do much of anything that it gets boring sometimes. We were trying to think of things that I was able to do to break that boredom. If you've been reading my Blog, you know that making an effort to do my walks when I feel up to it is one of the things that I try to do. I overdid it yesterday on my walk and learned a lesson from that, let me tell you!

But, I brought along my iPad and right now while Mom is in for one of her appointments I figured I'd take this time to knock out a Blog. This has not been difficult even though I'll probably be tired when we get home, but it's nice to keep Mom company for a change and just to get out of the house too. 

Since we were at the hospital and now the medical building, there is no shortage of nice clean restrooms so that's a plus! Spending time with Mom is always a plus and being able to sort of be a little "support" is nice too. 

I hope I can be there with my Dad on her surgery day as well. She is always, always at the hospital for my many surgeries, I want to do the same for her. Plus I know my way around so well, I'd like to be there to help guide Dad around too. 

Anyway you look at it, today is a nice day. Just keeping Mom company and getting to have lunch together and for once I'm not the patient. It's a good thing! So, today I'm the Support Team!