Monday, February 18, 2013


Here's another quote that a friend of mine shared on her Facebook wall;
she is NOT an IC patient but has her own life struggles that she is
dealing with and this was something that she connected with. I feel the same way.
I share these quotes often because they strike a chord in me and feel that
I either respond to them in a positive way, or that they feel like it's
something that I do. I have always been a person that worries a lot and friends and
family always teased me that I needed to "back away from the cliff."
This is something I am working on in therapy too. It's not that we have to 
NEVER have concerns or things to think about dealing with,
but over-worrying doesn't get us anywhere and, as the
saying goes, is stupid. I know that's strong language, but
the point is it's unnecessary and a waste of time. So often,
we are worrying about things over which we have no
control and it's not healthy. It's been proven that stress is bad
for our health in so many ways and worrying is stress.
So, I'm actually headed off to see my psychologist
today and once again, issues like this will be on the agenda.
The take away from this, for me, is to try to focus on what
we need to do to take care of ourselves, do the best we can
to insure we are following our treatment and diet plans,
ask questions when we have them, but then work on
not spending so much time worrying so much. It's not going to
make things better and, in fact, can often make things worse.

Worrying is Stupid!

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