Monday, August 24, 2015


I am now 9 1/2 Months Post Lung Transplant. I truly can't believe that much time has gone by since I received the Gift of Life. Since then it has been a journey of Ups and Downs, which we were warned would be the case. They did not lie!

I am doing very well, really. They keep telling me how great I am doing and I believe that I am. However, there have been Ups and Downs along this journey called transplant and I expect that is the way it will go as long as my lung keeps me going.

The kidney issues I have written about seem to have stabilized. I am so thrilled to get those good lab reports! It does wonders for my attitude and of course we always want things to go well. Today's labs were all good news and the numbers went down and that's what we wanted. YES!!! Major Up!

Unfortunately, my weekend was not so good. I have suffered from Vertigo most of my life, since I was young. I finally was diagnosed about 5+ years ago with Epilepsy and my Neurologist told me it is not uncommon for Epilepsy patients to suffer from episodes of vertigo. However, since I was diagnosed and put on the right medication I have not had an episode in all this time. 5+ years and no vertigo. So I have been so happy about that. Well, this weekend I was struck hard by a nasty episode of vertigo that kept me in bed and still the room was spinning. Luckily, my doctor has prescribed an anti-vertigo medication to have on hand in case I need it, so I caved and took one yesterday. They put me to sleep which is why I don't really like taking them. But they do the trick so it was worth it.  I woke up today feeling much better, but I always have this sort of "hangover" feeling. It wears off as the day goes on which is good. So that was my Down for the weekend.

I am glad I feel better today. I am working, as many of you know to participate in the Hike for Lung Health sponsored by the Respiratory Health Association in a few weeks.  I need to keep walking if I am to complete the event. This is big challenge for me (I know it's only 3 Miles, but 9 months post transplant makes it a big deal for me), but I am determined to do it! If I do, that will be one of my biggest Ups since I got my new lung.

I can't believe I am rapidly approaching my One Year Anniversary of my Transplant! Here's to hoping all keeps going well (for the most part) because I want to have a big celebration when I hit one year! Talk about a big Up!

Being a Transplant patient isn't easy. No one said it would be. In fact they said it would be the hardest thing I would ever have to do. Again, they did not lie. It is hard and I am, even 9 months later, still going through the recovery process in many ways. But I am recovering. I still have post surgical issues and I'm told the pain from my incision can take as long as a year to a year and a half to go away; or it might never go away. I may have to live with that pain for the rest of my life. We just don't know. 

So it's been a journey of Ups & Downs for sure. But when I look at everything in retrospect, I have to conclude that it's really all good! I was told I would not be here without a Lung Transplant, yet here I am! And the recent birthday celebrations (mine and then my Mom's) where family came together to celebrate our special days was all I ever dreamed about when I was so sick. I wanted time with my family and friends. I just want as much time with them as I can get! Transplant patients never know how much time they have. I guess none of us really do but being a Transplant patient is an added layer of mystery and I am grateful for every day I wake up and can enjoy my family and friends. Just being able to walk, talk, take a shower are things that I love and don't take for granted.

So if I have to deal with a few "Downs", then as far as I'm concerned it's a small price to pay for being alive thanks to the precious Gift of Life that I received. Yeah, it's all good. I remind myself of that whenever I might be struggling. IT'S ALL GOOD!

"Way Over Yonder" - Carole King

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