Friday, January 1, 2016


Happy New Year one and all! I wish everyone a happy, healthy New Year! As we rang in the New Year last night and I woke up to the year 2016 this morning, I just find it difficult to express my gratitude that I am here and able to celebrate with my family & friends.

I have had the most challenging 2+ years of my life. Finding out I needed a life saving Lung Transplant is not something anyone ever expects to hear. I will never forget being told that news up at the Mayo Clinic. I have never been so shocked in my entire life.

I've written before about what the process is like so I won't go through it all again. But I have been through more than I ever believed I could get through. But I got my lung, got through the surgery doing better than any of the doctors thought I would.

It takes a LONG, LONG time to recover from a transplant and I have been diligently working on my rehab and getting my strength back. It's hard work, but it's important to me and I am dedicated to sticking with my rehab program. 

Part of My Rehab Routine!

My Amazing Family Walking the Hike for Lung Health
for the Respiratory Health Association in a Show of Support for me!

It is a long and never ending journey being a transplant patient. Struggling with medication side effects (which I am) is bigger than I can explain. The Transplant Team warned us that having a transplant can be a life saving procedure, but they also told us we would be trading one disease state for another with all the medications we must take. The were right.

Thank heaven for patient family and friends because some of that medication can turn you into a raging crazy person one minute, a crying baby another and a manic happy freak the next! 

As 2016 starts I have SO many people to thank for all their support and encouragement. I thank my medical team at Loyola who literally saved my life and continue to care for me post transplant; my family without whom I literally could not have done this; so many friends who have stood by me and just called to chat and cheer me up as I waited for "The Call". Without all of you I would not be here.

My wish for 2016 is that we can get some sort of control over all these side effects. I want to make more progress on my rehab program. On Monday I go for my 3 month Transplant Clinic visit and I'll get checked out thoroughly. I must go for these check ups every 3 months for the rest of my life. But it's how we keep track of how I'm doing and making sure there are no signs of rejection.

I am so grateful and blessed for being able to celebrate another year. I am hopeful 2016 will be a year of doing well and continuing to improve.  

HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone!

Auld Lang Syne - Mairi Campbell
There is just something about this version that I love!

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