Saturday, October 11, 2014


I'm tired. Physically tired for so many reasons. I don't sleep many nights from side effects of medications. This disease is exhausting; just trying to do anything leaves me gasping for air even wearing my oxygen and with it turned up. 

I'm tired. Mentally tired of battling the never ending fight of trying to staying positive that I will get my transplant in time. My Transplant Social Worker tells me this is perfectly normal and I shouldn't beat myself up for not feeling positive every minute of every day.

I'm tired. Tired of waiting for the call to come that never comes. Every time the phone rings my heart skips a beat and it's never the call. On the one hand time seems to have come to a complete standstill, while on the other I am rapidly approaching the one year mark when I came down with this awful, life threatening disease. How did THAT happen!

I'm tired. Tired of the never ending trek to Rehab twice every week until I get my transplant. Of course it's necessary and so I go. But it's exhausting and I come home each time feeling as if I was just hit by a truck.

I'm tired. Tired of the never ending doctor appointments and tests, being poked and prodded.

I'm tired. Even if I had a "good" night and actually slept, I get up, get dressed, have breakfast and seemingly minutes after that I find myself falling asleep and fighting it all day long. When I want to sleep I can't, and when I want to stay awake, I can't. So I'm tired.

I could go on but I'm sure I've made my point. I'm tired. I don't want to sound like a whiner; there a lot of people struggling with many different diseases who are fighting every day much the same as I am. I am blessed with a wonderful and supportive family. I am grateful for that.

But I'm tired. I no longer remember what it felt like to be well; to take breathing for granted. I'm tired.

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