Tuesday, November 27, 2012


If you’re looking for a little inspiration to help get you through some tough times, look no further than the ICA website’s page, the ICA “Voices of Hope Blog”.  This page is devoted to stories submitted by IC patients of their struggles with IC but how they have managed to focus on the positive things in their lives, what they have to be grateful for and coping strategies to help them fight their IC. I find this page to be a great source of inspiration. I would like to encourage others to submit your stories of hope, strength and courage to the ICA as well. There can never be enough stories to help us all keep fighting our IC battle every day.  I find these stories inspiring and very helpful to me. It puts me in a different mindset. So much of living with chronic pain and illness can be helped with learning coping strategies; working with a therapist and hearing others tell their stories.

If you have a story to tell that you feel could help another IC patient, think about submitting it to the ICA Voices of Hope Blog. Your story could very well be the story that helps another IC patient. If you’ve been helped by anyone in you IC struggle, think about “paying it forward” and share your story; you just might help someone else with IC. Pay it forward; tell your story of successes, no matter how big or small. You never know what kind of impact you can have another person!

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